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Mastering Time Freedom Series – A Simple 5 Step Solution to Overwhelm [Step 1]

Why am I entitling this article Mastering Time Freedom vs Time management? Because Time Management has gotten a bad rap over the years. Why? Because it feels like work, requires you to commit to things you don’t want to do and no one wants to keep doing it.

Time is money! Right? Ugh, We have such hard quotes embedded in our brain and even though they were meant to DRIVE us, they may have actually thwarted our success. We no longer want to be forced to do things, we want to own our life and our time.

If you could find a solution to your overwhelm with a simple process that has no boundaries, just suggestions. A system that allows bendability and freedom, would you want to know what it is?

My work requires me to help my clients accomplish that which they resist for whatever reason. fear, overwhelm, physical challenges, or just plain too busy, there are many ‘excuses’ for not accomplishing things. I personally do not do well with accountability and rigidity. I don’t even use those words or practices in my work.

So, how do you get things done when you don’t want to, feel stuck or stopped or don’t have someone forcing you to do it? I like to think as adults, we don’t need someone to parent us. When a potential client contacts me and asks me to whip them into shape, I tell them emphatically, ‘I’m not that type of Partner’.

I developed a very workable Time Freedom plan that allows for everything to get done. At your pace, in your own way.  I have been teaching this module for years. I am offering the outline here. If you would like more, including guided videos and pre-made forms, feel free to contact me.

These 5 Steps are ALL important. Please take them one at a time and even space them out if you need time to prepare for the next step. Have fun with it. I get a lot of responses on how this has changed people’s lives now that they have a system. Some say they had more time to spend with family and equally important they had more time for themselves.

I will GUARANTEE that you will either tweak this system to work for you or you will love it and stop using it one day. I’m here to remind you of the title ‘Mastering Time Freedom’. All I really want to accomplish here is to show you A WAY. A REALLY good way to enjoy doing what you want to do. If it works, keep doing it. If you need to change it, feel free. If you stop using is, guess what? You have a foundation to go back to whenever time gets the best of you. Fair enough?

Ok here we go:

Step One: Purge – aka Mind Dump – Make a list of everything you need to accomplish. This is one of the most resisted steps. Why? Because people think they know everything they need to do. And you know what? You probably do. I’m here to tell you that keeping stuff in your head all the time keeps you from bringing NEW stuff your head. If you constantly remind yourself of all you have to do, you are wasting a LOT of energy and mind space. Most people who FINALLY do this exercise cannot believe the mental freedom they feel.


  1. Get a Notebook or Start a File – Get a really nice notebook or open a file in your computer. The object is to find a place that you trust will be there and you will remember where it is. It should also be easily accessible. If not, you will not empty your head out. This will only work if you empty out.
  2. Start your purge – The first step in purging is to just do a free-form purge. Enter everything you want to accomplish from cleaning out a kitchen drawer to creating a new design for changing the world. It’s all in your head so get it out. Coming up with 100 or more things is not uncommon.
  3. Check yourself – Take a look inside after you have written everything down. Can you think of anything else you have to or want to do? If so, put it down. If your list is private, then consider password protecting it.
  4. Organize your list – This is absolutely optional. I am adding it because I have clients who can’t have their business and personal combined. Feel free ONLY AFTER you have completed your purge to sort things out in any type of categories that serve you. Personal, Business, Smallest to Largest, Near Future to Long term. There are many ways to organize if you desire.
  5. Keep up your list – This is your home-base for all your thoughts. You will be visiting it regularly. So, you will want to add to it as often as you can to keep your mind empty and ready for new things.
  6. Enjoy your empty mind space – Just for giggles, please sit back and look at your list, knowing you have documented everything in your head. Then close your file or book and sit back and see how you feel. On a scale of 1-10 where were you before you started your list and where are you now when it comes to feeling like your mind is relaxed.

Ok, this completes day one of the Mastering Time Freedom Series. Feel free to sign up for this blog to receive each step in the series in your inbox. If you are looking for additional support with mastering your time, contact me.

For more information on how I can help you in life and business, learn more about having a Virtual Partner


Fran Asaro is the CEO and founder of Thrive Any Way A Resource for building or growing your online business

2 thoughts on “Mastering Time Freedom Series – A Simple 5 Step Solution to Overwhelm [Step 1]

  1. Great post, Fran – as always! I’ve been doing this purge for a long time now with the help of my cellphone. I was using my notebook for years but it’s bulky to carry everywhere. What I every morning is open my Google mail do the purge. I add to the list as needed, review and tick those already done. At night, I review the entire list and write notes on how the day went. This purge sure helps keep the mind clean and focused! Thank you!


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