Posted in Online Business Building, Virtual Partner

If You Believe in Them, Invest in Them – (Be Someone’s Hero)

My Hero invested in me many years ago and changed the course of my life forever as well as the course for others. That’s why I say,

‘If you Believe in Them, Invest in Them’

Be someone’s Hero and the reason for their success.


Having a vision without the proper resources is one of the most restricting feelings you can imagine. Some may have a dream of starting a small business while others are fantasizing about changing the world in some way. There are those who just want to break out of the old and rebuild their lives. The reasons are endless. Motivated people may have education and no platform or others have no education but they have drive and determination Either way, when you are ready to leave your mark and you don’t have the tools, it beats down on you… day after day after day after day.

When I was 21 years old I convinced my husband at the time to open an Auto Body Repair Shop. He was well-trained in a vocational school and very good at his trade. I had the background of administration and sales. We had no clue what we were doing but we knew we wanted to do it. No formal college, not a dime to our name. Just drive and passion.

I kept saying, ‘what have we got to lose.’ Even back then (almost 40 years ago) I knew the gold in being an entrepreneur and even though the businesses may have changed, I never looked back to consider corporate America…ever.

What do you do when you have talent, drive, and desire but little or no money? For us, we called HERO, my father. We asked him to borrow $2000 to rent a warehouse. He agreed and I insisted we had a formal payment plan with interest. I drew it up and he signed it. It felt so official.

We didn’t know what to do after that but we figured it out. We got a line of credit from a really supportive paint supplier who stocked our shop with all our necessary supplies for months. They too invested in us. We purchased a beat-up old desk from the phone company and put up a shed in our 900 sq ft warehouse to use as our office because we didn’t have the money to build a real one. We improvised. We knocked on doors for business. We followed up on every lead we had. We eagerly sat outside our warehouse at the end of every day until we finally got our first customer.

Who do you think was the proudest? YES, my father was proud. He was proud from year one. He, being retired, would come in and help out. Everything from driving cars to dealerships we were doing work for, to sweeping the floor.

He was THAT proud of us.

It took us about 2 years to pay back that $2000. We struggled. We ate fish almost every night that my husband had caught and ran up a department store credit card to buy dog food and necessities. We had a blast!! After all, it was OURS and we got to build something amazing.  We had a blast even before the break came when all of a sudden we found that we could afford things. First, we bought a car, then a new boat. THEN we took a cruise to Alaska and bought a bigger home. That all began only 5 years into our launching the business.

Do you think my father took responsibility for our success? You’re damned right he did. I am sure he shared about us with his friends all the time! My ex, Frankie and I still reminisce about those good times. Our friends still share about those times. It was something special.

I share this story with you because imagine if my Hero / father hadn’t invested in us. Where would we be? Working jobs. Yes. Earning a nice income, I’m sure. But what we got from having someone believe in us and growing something from a seed was priceless. Since then I had a lucrative Real Estate career and a wonderful coaching business. And guess what? I help others start new businesses. It’s a gift I want to give everyone who has that passion.

As someone who is approached by many entrepreneur wannabes, the part that frustrates me is when they can’t afford me. I kept my fees the same for 12 years to help. I have had my share of ProBono clients to help out. I have become creative to offer affordable support to those who want it. I created groups at my home for women entrepreneurs to teach them about business. All they paid was $5 and if they didn’t have it, they were invited anyway. I do what I can. Today I would like to go a step further.

I’d like to invite the loved ones of these Superstars to come forward and help them out.

They may have asked you for financial support in the past and you declined or they may be too proud to ask. Either way, if you know your loved one has a passion and is challenged by financial resources, offer them help. They may need schooling, coaching or just someone to encourage them to go forward.

Who Invested in You and Changed Your Life Forever? Who was YOUR Hero?

If someone else invested in you, and gave you a future that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise, then this may be your opportunity to pay it forward. If no one invested in you, this maybe be your opportunity to give to someone what you wish had been given to you and change a life forever, including yours.

If you or someone you know has a loved one who needs a partner to help them move forward don’t ignore a creative mind. We need them. If you don’t know how to help, there are many ways. One is that you can consider my Virtual Partner program. It’s a one on one video call experience where we walk through all phases of their needs. I hung up my coaching title and took on this title because its a less authoritative experience. Still, it has a leadership level of support with resources beyond your imagination. It’s just gentler and more freedom based. It consists of all my years of entrepreneurial wisdom combined with fun, empowerment and motivation.

If you think this is something your loved one would love to have, then let’s talk or just go to my Virtual Partner site and take a look at some of what I offer. If this is NOT what they need, contact me anyway and I’ll help you find what works for your situation.

Please be the hero in someone’s life, believe in them, be proud of them, INVEST in them. They are not the only ones who will benefit. YOU too will be rewarded with the fulfilling feeling of making a difference in someone’s life.

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